Affiliate Members ~ Please submit to your local association
New Affiliate Membership Form for New Unrated Members (please send along with payment to your local association. Each individual is required to have a valid membership from your local association).
Member Association Forms ~
Association Secretaries: Please submit to the CTCPA Office
Sanction-Show-Application-2024– To be completed by each association and submitted at the beginning of each year.
2024-Affiliate-Membership-Summary (4)– This form is to be used by Association Secretaries when submitting affiliate membership forms along with payments. Please include the membership backup sheets for each individual member which they complete or complete the member information spreadsheet to submit along with the summary.
2024-Participation-and-Levy-Form (2)– To be completed by each Show Operator or Association after each CTCPA Sanctioned Show and submitted along with participation fees not more than 21 days after the show. If payment is not submitted, the show will not qualify as a CTCPA sanctioned show.